Table of Contents
Segment TreeResourcesSolution - Dynamic Range Minimum QueriesSolution - Dynamic Range Sum QueriesBinary Indexed TreeResourcesSolution - Dynamic Range Sum Queries (With a BIT)Finding the -th ElementOrder Statistic TreeWith a BITWith a Segment TreeExample - Inversion CountingSolutionRange Sum ProblemsGeneralUSACOPoint Update Range Sum
Authors: Benjamin Qi, Dong Liu, Nathan Gong
Contributors: Andrew Wang, Pramana Saldin
Segment Tree, Binary Indexed Tree, and Order Statistic Tree (in C++).
Table of Contents
Segment TreeResourcesSolution - Dynamic Range Minimum QueriesSolution - Dynamic Range Sum QueriesBinary Indexed TreeResourcesSolution - Dynamic Range Sum Queries (With a BIT)Finding the -th ElementOrder Statistic TreeWith a BITWith a Segment TreeExample - Inversion CountingSolutionRange Sum ProblemsGeneralUSACOMost gold range query problems require you to support following tasks in time each on an array of size :
- Update the element at a single position (point).
- Query the sum of some consecutive subarray.
Both segment trees and binary indexed trees can accomplish this.
Segment Tree
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
A segment tree allows you to do point update and range query in time each for any associative operation, not just summation.
Pro Tip
You can skip more advanced applications such as lazy propagation for now. They will be covered in platinum.
Resources | ||||
CF EDU | basic operations, inversion counting | |||
CSA | Interactive updates. | |||
CPH | Same implementation as AICash below. | |||
CPC | See slides after union-find. Also introduces sqrt bucketing. | |||
cp-algo | "Advanced versions" are covered in Platinum. |
Solution - Dynamic Range Minimum Queries
Resources | ||||
CF | simple implementation | |||
KACTL | similar to above |
#include <algorithm>#include <iostream>#include <limits>#include <vector>using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::vector;/** A data structure that can answer point update & range minimum queries. */
import*;import java.util.*;/** A data structure that can answer point update & range minimum queries. */public class MinSegmentTree {private final int[] segtree;private final int len;public MinSegmentTree(int len) {this.len = len;
class MinSegmentTree:"""A data structure that can answer point update & range minimum queries."""def __init__(self, len_: int):self.len = len_self.tree = [0] * (2 * len_)def set(self, ind: int, val: int) -> None:"""Sets the value at ind to val."""ind += self.len
Solution - Dynamic Range Sum Queries
Compared to the previous problem, all we need to change are DEFAULT
and how we combine the elements.
#include <iostream>#include <vector>using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::vector;Code Snippet: Segment Tree (Click to expand)int main() {
Compared to the previous problem, all we need to change is the way we aggregate
values (from Math.min()
to summation) and the data type we use to store the
query (from int
to long
import*;import java.util.*;public class SumSegmentTree {private final long[] segtree;private final int len;public SumSegmentTree(int len) {this.len = len;segtree = new long[len * 2];
Compared to the previous problem, all we need to change is the way we aggregate
values (from min()
to '+'), and change the initial value to 0.
Code Snippet: Segment Tree (Click to expand)arr_len, query_num = map(int, input().split())arr = list(map(int, input().split()))segtree = SumSegmentTree(arr_len)for i, v in enumerate(arr):segtree.set(i, v)
Binary Indexed Tree
The implementation is shorter than segment tree, but maybe more confusing at first glance.
Resources | ||||
CSA | interactive | |||
CPH | similar to above | |||
cp-algo | also similar to above | |||
TC |
Solution - Dynamic Range Sum Queries (With a BIT)
#include <cassert>#include <iostream>#include <vector>using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::vector;/*** Short for "binary indexed tree",
import*;import java.util.*;/*** Short for "binary indexed tree",* this data structure supports point update and range sum* queries like a segement tree.*/public class BIT {private final long[] bit;
class BIT:"""Short for "binary indexed tree",this data structure supports point update and range sumqueries like a segment tree."""def __init__(self, len_: int) -> None:self.bit = [0] * (len_ + 1)self.arr = [0] * len_
-th Element
Finding theSuppose that we want a data structure that supports all the operations as a
in C++ in addition to the following:
: counts the number of elements in the set that are strictly less thanx
: similar tofind
, returns the iterator corresponding to thek
-th lowest element in the set (0-indexed).
Order Statistic Tree
Luckily, such a built-in data structure already exists in C++.
Resources | ||||
CF | ||||
CPH | brief overview with find_by_order and order_of_key | |||
KACTL | code |
To use indexed sets locally, you need to install GCC.
With a BIT
Assumes all updates are in the range .
Resources | ||||
CF | log N |
With a Segment Tree
Covered in Platinum.
Example - Inversion Counting
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
Using an indexed set, we can solve this in just a few lines.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>using namespace __gnu_pbds;template <class T>using Tree =tree<T, null_type, less<T>, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update>;int main() {
Note that if it were not the case that all elements of the input array were
distinct, then this code would be incorrect since Tree<int>
would remove
duplicates. Instead, we would use an indexed set of pairs
), where the first element of each pair would denote the
value while the second would denote the position of the value in the array.
Using a binary indexed tree, we can count the number of inversions.
import*;import java.util.*;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {final int MAX_ELEM = (int)1e7;Kattio io = new Kattio();int testNum = io.nextInt();for (int t = 0; t < testNum; t++) {
Code Snippet: BIT (Click to expand)MAX_ELEM = 10**7test_num = int(input())for _ in range(test_num):bit = BIT(MAX_ELEM + 1)input()arr_len = int(input())
Range Sum Problems
Coordinate Compression
If the coordinates are large (say, up to ), then you should apply coordinate compression before using a BIT or segment tree (though sparse segment trees do exist).
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | |
CSES | Easy | Show TagsPURS | |||
Kattis | Easy | Show TagsInversions, PURS | |||
CSES | Easy | Show TagsPURS | |||
CSES | Easy | Show TagsCoordinate Compress, PURS | |||
CF | Easy | Show TagsBinary Search, Offline, PURS | |||
CSES | Easy | Show TagsCoordinate Compress, PURS | |||
CSES | Normal | Show TagsOffline, PURS |
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | |
Gold | Easy | Show TagsInversions, PURS | |||
Gold | Easy | Show TagsInversions, PURS | |||
Gold | Easy | Show TagsInversions, PURS | |||
Gold | Easy | Show TagsPURS | |||
Plat | Easy | Show TagsInversions, PURS | |||
Old Gold | Hard | Show TagsPURS |
A hint regarding Sleepy Cow Sort: There is only one correct output.
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